Friday, 30 December 2011

End of year

What an interesting year this year has been. I've managed to do 2 races (not counting Bournemouth because I walked most of that) and managed to set a few personal bests. Hopefully, I will be able to beat my PBs next year.

I am really not sure what year next will bring. I am hoping to do 12 races in 12 months; but depending on everything, this is very likely to change. I have decided that going back to the beginning and doing a lot of walk / run sessions is probably best for now. I can't seem to run for long enough without my legs hurting.

This was my first year of running and I managed 106.2 miles. I am hoping next year to do around 750 miles.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

I have lost my mojo...

Last week went very well, training wise. I really struggled to run today and Wednesday. I just could not get into it. It wasn't raining, or indeed, that bad weather wise.

I was so hoping to reach 100 miles today - which would have meant running 5.3 miles today. I ran just under 1 mile.

I have a race in 4 weeks time. I do hope this was a one off and that I am back to normal next week.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Week one of 10 mile training done

This week, saw me start my 10 mile training for the Plymouth Hoe 10 miler on February 19th. It didn't quite go to plan - the training plan I'm following, ( ) focuses more on time than distance. This week, I had to run/walk for 30 minutes, run for 30 minutes and run 2 miles.  I managed the run walk/run ok, (1.71 miles) ended up running for 45 minutes at club on Thursday (3.4 miles) and managed 1.46 miles today - the weather is far too hot to run in.