Sunday 30 September 2012

VLM Reject

So, I received a magazine in the post on Thursday, which informed me that I have been unsuccessful for the 2013 London Marathon. Ah, well. Not marathon ready at all; so it would have just been deferred anyway.

I will be reapplying next year I think. I am hoping that in 2014 I will be ready.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Sweatshop Running Community

Not posted for a while; as it will just turn into a moan about how crap my runs have been.

Last week, I had a lot of trouble with running club and being left behind. As it's getting dark, it's now being dangerous.

A few weeks before, I'd signed up to Sweatshop Running Community. I went along on Thursday to see what they're like. I loved it. There was no issue of being left behind; as we were doing intervals and kept doing loops. As much as I hate loops (and laps) I loved this particular session.

After an hour we went back to club. As I was leaving, the leader asks me if they've scared me off, to which I replied "not yet!" I was informed that their Monday sessions (which never go above 5k) are much slower than Thursdays sessions.

I will certainly be going back there again.